Congratulations and welcome!

This is your first and probably the most important step in having your human resource requirements resolved. Whether you are an employer looking for that ideal candidate or an employee seeking a career move.

Employers know that recruitment is a specialist skill requiring specialist advice in order to retain and recruit that ideal person. David’s reputation for success over the years speaks for itself.

David can provide assistance with establishing good work practices, resolve employment relations problems, deal with bullying or harassment at work and find practical solutions to employment law issues.

David offers a FREE initial consultation and a genuine, honest human resource service with a down to earth approach where he is true to his clients and endeavors to provide the best outcome based on a win-win scenario.

For more information contact David for your HR needs.

The Secret To Your Success Starts HERE!

The business

David began the business in 2005 after earning a healthy reputation from colleagues, employer/business group, union officials, local body politicians and senior management from a variety of commercial operations.

In 2013 he re-entered full time employment as part of the senior leadership team managing people and capability for Vehicle Inspection (NZ) Ltd, then after 10 years decided to return and re-establish his business.

Whether it is an employment relations issue or for employees looking to change positions or careers 0r employers looking to recruit that ideal person then he can assist with these.

David takes a pragmatic approach to his business and the way in which he deals with is clients and customers bringing the human back into human resources. His reputation as an HR professional is testament to this.